Value Thoery/Social & Political Phil 67

Kim (2014) “I am well-cooked food”: survival strategies of North Korean female border-crossers and possibilities for empowerment

Kim, Sung Kyung (2014). “I am well-cooked food”: survival strategies of North Korean female border-crossers and possibilities for empowerment. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 2014, 15 (4), 553–571. 1. IntroductionAlthough the “feminization of migration” is actually a global trend reflected in overall economic flows (Piper and Roces 2003; Castles and Miller 2003; Parreñas 2001), the high number of f..

Kim (2020) Mobile North Korean Women and Long-Distance Motherhood: The (Re)Construction of Intimacy and the Ambivalence of Family

Kim, S. K. (2020). Mobile North Korean Women and Long-Distance Motherhood: The (Re)Construction of Intimacy and the Ambivalence of Family. Korean Studies, 44, 97–122. 1. Meeting North Korean Migrant Mothers in the BorderlandAs noted, Interviewees A, B, C, and D came to China through proper legal procedures. According to the 1998 legal agreement between China..

Bhandary (2018) Arranged Marriage: Could It Contribute To Justice?

Bhandary, A. (2018), Arranged Marriage: Could It Contribute To Justice? Journal of Political Philosophy, 26: 193-215. value of autonomy is a hallmark [특징] of liberal doctrine. It would seem to follow that liberals must reject the practice of “arranged marriage” on the grounds that the “arranging” component of the practice eschews [피하다] autonomy and individua..

Young (1990) Ch 2. "Five Faces of Oppression" from Justice and the Politics of Difference

Young, Iris Marion (1990). Justice and the Politics of Difference Princeton, New Jersey: Princenton University Press, 39- Many people in the United States would not choose the term "oppression" to name injustice in our society. For contemporary emancipatory social movements, on the other hand—socialists, radical feminists, American Indian activists, Black activists, gay and lesbian activists—opp..

Lee (2024) Estimation of the Impact of the Arduous March on the Present-Day North Korean Labor Force

Lee, Yoon Jung. (2024). Estimation of the Impact of the Arduous March on the Present Day North Korean Labor Force. Journal of Peace and Unification, 14(1), 91-111.Many of the recent studies have estimated famine-related deaths in North Korea known as the Arduous March within the limitation of the credible data. Goodkind and West (2001) have estimated the famine-related deaths in North Korea from..

Choo (2006) Gendered Modernity and Ethnicized Citizenship: North Korean Settlers in Contemporary South Korea

Choo, Hae Yeon (2006) Gendered Modernity and Ethnicized Citizenship: North Korean Settlers in Contemporary South Korea. Gender and Society, 20(5), pp. 576-604 North Korean settlers are expected to get rid of ethnic markers as North Koreans and transform themselves into modern citizen-subjects of South Korea. The problematic portrayal of North Korea as backward and underdeveloped is particularly ..

Sung and Cho (2018) Why Are North Korean Women More Likely to Defect than North Korean Men?

Sung, Kieun and Cho, Sunwoong. (2018). Why Are North Korean Women More Likely to Defect than North Korean Men?. Asian Women, 34(3), 97-118. 1. IntroductionThis study shows that gendered defection is an unexpected consequence of North Korean government policies that generate favorable conditions for defection by North Korean females. The interplay between the strict military draft system targetin..

Sung (2010) The psychiatric power of neo-liberal citizenship: the North Korean human rights crisis, North Korean settlers, and incompetent citizens

Sung, M. (2010). The psychiatric power of neo-liberal citizenship: the North Korean human rights crisis, North Korean settlers, and incompetent citizens. Citizenship Studies, 14(2), 127–144. 1. IntroductionThe spectacularly circulated miserable images of starving North Koreans have helped facilitate the claim of liberal human rights, encouraging South Ko..

Song (2013) “Smuggled Refugees”: The Social Construction of North Korean Migration

Song, J. (2013), “Smuggled Refugees”: The Social Construction of North Korean Migration. Int Migr, 51: 158-173. The exact figure of North Koreans in China is unknown. The PRC government estimates 10,000–50,000; the ROK claims30,000–50,000; the US State Department says 75,000–125,000; the Uni ted Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) opts for 50,000–100,..

Kim (2016) Mobile North Korean women and their places in the Sino-North Korea borderland

Kim, S. K. (2016). Mobile North Korean women and their places in the Sino-North Korea borderland. Asian Anthropology, 15(2), 116–131. 1. IntroductionNorth Korean mobility tends to be narrowly framed in relation to either brutal state vio lations or severe economic crisis, the so-called “Arduous March” (1995–1998) (Aldrich 2011).1 Within this frame, N..