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Kraut (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method (3)

Kraut R. (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method. In: The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by Richard Kraut. Oxford: Blackwell. 7. The Test of ExperienceIn fact, Aristotle claims that even after students of ethics have moved from the foundational premise of the subject back through all of the assumptions from which they began their inquiry, they mu..

Kraut (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method (2)

Kraut R. (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method. In: The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by Richard Kraut. Oxford: Blackwell. 4. Finding and Explaining Errors Aristotle says that our first priority should be to preserve all of the endoxa; that is, to find a way to show that apparently conflicting views are really in agreement, when their ambiguit..

Kraut (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method (1)

Kraut R. (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method. In: The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by Richard Kraut. Oxford: Blackwell. 1. The Nature of Aristotelian JustificationAristotle and his audience seek not only first-order truths about practical matters, but also a second-order account of how first-order ethical propositions are to be justified. J..

Reeve (2024) Introduction to Nicomachean Ethics (3)

Aristotle (2024). Nicomachean Ethics. Second Edition. Translated With Introduction and Notes By C. D. C. Reeve Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company. 5. The Route the Nicomachean Ethics Takes  On the basis of the function argument (NE 1097b22–1098a20), Aristotle defines happiness as (roughly speaking) rational activity in accord with virtue. Although he doesn’t explicitly identify t..

Reeve (2024) Introduction to Nicomachean Ethics (2)

Aristotle (2024). Nicomachean Ethics. Second Edition. Translated With Introduction and Notes By C. D. C. Reeve Indianapolis/Cambridge: Hackett Publishing Company. 3. The Foundations of PoliticsHow, then, do we get this understanding? Where do we start the process? “We must,” Aristotle says, “start from things that are known. But things are known in two ways; for some are known to us, some uncond..

보부아르 (2022) 제2의 성 (17) 해방을 향해

시몬느 드 보부아르, 「제2의 성」, 이정순 옮김, 을유문화사, 2022.  17. 해방을 향해오직 노동만이 여자에게 구체적 자유를 보장해 줄 수 있다. 여자가 기생하는 존재가 되는 것을 멈추는 즉시, 여자의 종속을 토대로 세워진 체계는 붕괴한다. 여자와 세계 사이에 더는 남자의 매개가 필요하지 않다. 가신인 여자를 짓누르는 저주는 여자가 무엇을 하도록 허용되는 것이 아무것도 없다는 것이다. 그래서 여자는 나르시시즘이나 사랑이나 종교를 통해서 존재에 대한 불가능한 추구에 몰두하는 것이다. 생산적이고 활동적인 여자는 자기의 초월성을 회복한다. 자기 계획 속에서 그녀는 자기를 주체로서 구체적으로 확립한다. 그녀가 추구하는 목표나 자기 것으로 만드는 돈과 권리와의 관계를 통해서 그녀는 자기의 책임을 느끼고 있..