Logic/Modal Logic

Proofs (1)

Soyo_Kim 2024. 1. 4. 22:37

2023-2 Modal Logic (Segment 1)

① Check to see which of the following are S4 valid or S5 only valid and give a proof in S4 if it is S4 valid and give a proof in S5 if it is S5 only valid:

  1. MMLMp ⊃ Mp
  2. Lp ⊃ LLMLp
  3. LLMLp ⊃ Lp

② Give a proof of the following in the systems indicated:

  1. ├K L(p ∨ q) .⊃. Lp ∨ Mq
  2. ├S4 Lp ∨ Lq .⊃. L(p ∨ Lq)
  3. ├T M(p ⊃Mp )

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