분류 전체보기 382

Proposal: On Normative Externalism: What Makes Externalism External

2024-1 Seminar Epistemology As is widely known, debates between externalism and internalism are often characterized by the question of whether epistemology is (or should be) a normative science. “Epistemic norms are norms describing when it is epistemically permissible to hold various beliefs. […] Epistemic norms govern ‘right reasoning’” (Pollock 1987: 61; my emphasis). “[T]o say that a belief ..

Proposal: Wittgenstein’s Reception of Fregean Context Principle

2024-1 Wittgenstein As is widely known, Frege articulates the so-called context principle in the introduction to his Grundlagen and considers it one of the three fundamental principles he has kept, expressed as follows: “never to ask for the meaning of a word in isolation, but only in the context of a proposition.” Such a principle is differently (and perhaps most famously) put in § 62 as the cl..

Proposal: On the Ontological Status of the Tractarian Picture

2024-1 Wittgenstein „Die Tatsachen begreifen wir in Bildern.“-Ludwig Wittgenstein, Protractatus 2.1 Throughout the history of philosophy, the problem of representation has always been central to metaphysics, epistemology, and skepticism. For instance, we find the incipient stage of representationalism in Plato, who suggested a metaphysical dualism where our phenomenological world imperfectly imi..

[초고] 학사논문 서론

2023.12.05 - [History of Philosophy/History of Analytic] - 『논리-철학 논고』의 지배적 해석 비판 Ⅰ- 윤리적 비트겐슈타인에 대한 논리적 비트겐슈타인의 우위를 중심으로- 『논리-철학 논고』의 지배적 해석 비판 Ⅰ- 윤리적 비트겐슈타인에 대한 논리적 비트겐슈타인학사논문 (2020.06)georgia15.tistory.com “왜냐하면 괴짜란 ‘언제나’ 부분적이고 특수한 현상은 ‘아닐’ 뿐더러 오히려 바로 그가 이따금씩은 자신의 내부에 전체의 핵심을 담지하고 있기 때문이며- 고로 그의 시대의 나머지 사람들은 모두 어떤 거센 돌풍으로 인해 왠지 잠깐동안 그에게서 떨어져 나가 버린데 지나지 않기 때문이다.”-표도르 도스토옙스키 들어가는 말 : 사유, 혹은 허무주의에..

『논리-철학 논고』의 말할 수 있는 것

1 비트겐슈타인의 에서 중요한 것은 “말할 수 없는 것”이다. 여기에서 말하는 중요성이란 두 가지 의미를 지니고 있다: 한편으로, 논고의 가치론의 측면에서 말할 수 없는 것은 말할 수 있는 것보다 더할 나위없이 중요하다(가치 있다). 다른 한편으로, 논고에서 규명하려 하는 중심 질문은 “말할 수 있는 것이 어떻게 가능한가?”이며, 이런 의미에서 논고는 말할 수 없는 것, 즉 뜻을 결여한(sinnlos) 명제와 무의미한(unsinnig) 명제의 근본 성격을 규명하는 일에 많은 지면을 할애하고 있다. 따라서 우리는 그 비중의 측면에서도 말할 수 없는 것이 말할 수 있는 것보다 논고 안에서 더 중요하게 다루어진다고 파악해볼 수 있다. 2 반면 말할 수 있는 것에 관해서는, 우리는 이것에 대해 대개 더 구체적인..