2025년 43

데카르트 (2021) 제일철학에 관한 성찰 (2) 제2성찰

르네 데카르트 (2021). 제일철학에 관한 성찰. 이현복 옮김. 문예출판사. René Descartes (1984). The Philosophical Writings of Descartes. translated by John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff, Dugald Murdoch. Volume II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  SECOND MEDITATIONThe nature of the human mind, and how it is better known than the body So serious are the doubts into which I have been thrown as a result of yesterday's med..

Kutz (2000) Complicity (2) The Deep Structure of Individual Accountability

Kutz, Christopher (2000). Complicity: Ethics and Law for a Collective Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2.1 Introduction our practices of accountability are both positional and relation. I focus upon what I have called the retributive or desert-based model of individual accountability, which is relationally and causally solipsistic. I will analyze the shortcom ings of this model by com..

Analytic/Ethcis 2025.01.30