2025/01/21 6

Kraut (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method (3)

Kraut R. (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method. In: The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by Richard Kraut. Oxford: Blackwell. 7. The Test of ExperienceIn fact, Aristotle claims that even after students of ethics have moved from the foundational premise of the subject back through all of the assumptions from which they began their inquiry, they mu..

Continental/Ancient 2025.01.21

Kraut (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method (2)

Kraut R. (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method. In: The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by Richard Kraut. Oxford: Blackwell. 4. Finding and Explaining Errors Aristotle says that our first priority should be to preserve all of the endoxa; that is, to find a way to show that apparently conflicting views are really in agreement, when their ambiguit..

Continental/Ancient 2025.01.21

Kraut (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method (1)

Kraut R. (2006) How to Justify Ethical Propositions: Aristotle’s Method. In: The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by Richard Kraut. Oxford: Blackwell. 1. The Nature of Aristotelian JustificationAristotle and his audience seek not only first-order truths about practical matters, but also a second-order account of how first-order ethical propositions are to be justified. J..

Continental/Ancient 2025.01.21