Analytic/Ethics 10

Reconciling Bartky’s feminist consciousness and the Marxist notion of contradictions

2024-2 Feminist Ethics Reconciling Bartky’s feminist consciousness and the Marxist notion of contradictions In her article, “Toward a Phenomenology of Feminist Consciousness,” Bartky offers a fascinating picture that combines Marxist analysis―i.e., their theory of contradictions―with feminist consciousness―i.e., an anguished consciousness characterizes human subjectivity in periods of social cha..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.10

Bettcher (2014) Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance

2024-2 Feminist Ethics Bettcher, T. M. (2014). Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance. Signs, 39(2), 383–406.   1. The "wrong-body" model, the psychological variant of the model, and  a “beyond the binary” model The wrong-body modelThe psychological variant of the modelTranssexuality involves a misalignment between gender identity and the sexed body. This idea de..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.04

Crenshaw (1989) Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics

2024-2 Feminist Ethics Crenshaw, Kimberlé (1989). Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics. The University of Chicago Legal Forum 140:139-167. One of the very few Black women's studies books is entitled All the Women Are White; All the Blacks Are Men, But Some of Us are Brave. I have chosen..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.02

Comments on “Responding to Cyr’s Challenge: A Defense of Historicism”

2024 UIGPS Conference Comments on “Responding to Cyr’s Challenge: A Defense of Historicism” Hyeongyun Kim (The University of Iowa) In the paper, the author engages in a debate between the structuralist and historicist accounts of moral responsibility and defends the latter against Cyr’s three challenges. Structuralism, according to the author, claims that facts about an agent’s internal conditio..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.04.07

현재의 즐거움과 미래를 위한 투자 중 어느 쪽을 선택해야 하는가?

2018-2 응용윤리학 현재의 즐거움과 미래를 위한 투자 중 어느 쪽을 선택해야 하는가? 1 “현재의 즐거움과 미래를 위한 투자 중 어느 쪽을 우선해야 하는가?” 다음의 질문은 철학적 질문인가? 비트겐슈타인(Ludwig Wittgenstein)은 철학적 질문이 우리에게 정신적 경련을 일으킨다고 표현한다. 즉 우리는 “~란 무엇인가?”라는 질문이 언제나 그것이 지칭하는 무언가를 가리켜야 될 것이라고 생각하면서도, 동시에 그것이 우리에게 매우 중요한 가치를 지니고 있는 것처럼 보인다는 사실에 아득해짐을 느끼곤 한다. “존재란 무엇인가?”, “선(善)이란 무엇인가?”, “정의(正義)란 무엇인가?” 등의 질문은 소크라테스(Socrates)의 주장에 따르면, 그 질문이 가리키는 어떤 특정한 사례의 특징, 혹은 사..

Analytic/Ethics 2018.12.28