Metaphysics 42

Parfit on Reasons and Persons

2023-2 Metaphysics of the Self Segment 2 (D.Parfit, ch.10-12 of Reasons and Persons) Q) Which approach to personal identity does Parfit take? State the four main theses that he wants to argue for in his part III of Reasons and Persons.                                Derek Parfit is one of the most influential defenders of the psychological approach to personal identity. He suggests four main the..

The Physical and Psychological Criteria of Personal Identity

2023-2 Metaphysics of the Self Segment 2 ( H. Noonan, "An Initial Survey", ch.1 of Personal Identity ) Q) State the metaphysical problem of personal identity. Are philosophers after the numerical or qualitative identity of persons through time? Make sure to briefly explain the difference between these two concepts.Generally, identity is conceptually distinguished into (1) Qualitative identity (i..