Value Thoery/Feminist Philosophy 33

Bhandary (2022) Caring for Whom? Racial Practices of Care and Liberal Constructivism

2024-2 Feminist EthicsBhandary, Asha Leena (2022). Caring for Whom? Racial Practices of Care and Liberal Constructivism. Philosophies 7 (4):78.  1. IntroductionPrior to the advent of care ethics [1–4], mainstream western political philosophy had been written by people from populations who were socially licensed to receive care without providing it. For these people, usually western white males, ..

Roberts (2001) Kinship Care and the Price of State Support for Children

2024-2 Feminist EthicsRoberts, Dorothy E. (2001), "Kinship Care and the Price of State Support for Children." Faculty Scholarship at Penn Law. 821 1. IntroductionOne of the key issues raised by caregiving is determining who should be responsible for its financial support. Law and public policy in the United States assume that caregiving is primarily a private matter. Parents, for example, are su..

Gheaus (2013) Care drain: who should provide for the children left behind?

2024-2 Feminist EthicsAnca Gheaus (2013) Care drain: who should provide for the children left behind?, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 16:1, 1-23  IntroductionThe massive migration of people from a country or a region to another country or region can trigger various problems for those who stay behind, especially when migration happens at short notice and in the ..

Bhandary (2024) Freedom to Care, for Women of Color

2024-2 Feminist EthicsBhandary, A. (2024). “Freedom to Care, for Women of Color”. In Bloomsbury Handbook of Care Ethics, ed. Matilda Carter. Bloomsbury Press. 1. Evaluating the system of care through critical liberalismMainstream political philosophy has been shaped by people who occupy a social position in which they receive care without being subjected to a concomitant [수반되는] expectation to pr..

Brake (2020) Care as Work. The Exploitation of Caring Attitudes and Emotional Labor.

2024-2 Feminist EthicsBrake, Elizabeth (2020) "Care as Work. The Exploitation of Caring Attitudes and Emotional Labor." Caring for Liberalism. Routledge.  Introduction: Care, Value, and WorkCare is a great good. It is also a source of special vulnerabilities [취약성], especially as a form of labor, both paid and unpaid. How can liberalism address these complexities of caring relations, particularly..

Bartky (1990) Feeding Egos and Tending Wounds: Deference and Disaffection in Women's Emotional Labor

2024-2 Feminist EthicsBartky, S. L. (1990) Feeding Egos and Tending Wounds: Deference and Disaffection in Women's Emotional Labor. in: Femininity and Domination, Routledge. (Male) culture was (and is) parasitical, feeding on the emotional strength of women without reciprocity.Shulamith Firestone 1Connell Cowan and Melvyn Kinder: "What a man is attracted to most deeply in a woman, is a magical mi..