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보부아르 (2022) 제2의 성 (1) 생물학적 조건과 반자연으로서의 인간

시몬느 드 보부아르, 「제2의 성」, 이정순 옮김, 을유문화사, 2022.  1. 생물학적 조건인간은 주어진 존재가 아니라 스스로 만들어 나가는 존재라고 정의할 수 있다. 메를로퐁티가 매우 정확하게 말했듯이, 인간은 자연의 종種이 아니라 역사적 개념이다. 여자는 고정불변의 현실이 아니라 하나의 생성(生成)이다. 이러한 생성 속에서 여자를 남자와 비교해야만 할 것이다. 다시 말해서 여자의 가능성을 규명해야만 할 것이다. 수많은 논쟁에서 사람들이 그토록 많은 과오를 범하는 이유는 여자의 능력에 대해 문제 삼으면서 여자를 과거와 현재의 상태로 축소하고 싶어 하기 때문이다. 사실, 능력은 현실화되었을 때만이 증명될 수 있다. 그러나 초월과 초아적인 어떤 존재를 고려할 때 결코 계산을 중단할 수 없다는 것 또한 ..

Adams and Aizawa on the Coupling-Constitution Fallacy

2024-2 Social Ontology 1. What do you take to be the strongest objections to the extended mind and to the social mind hypotheses?     I think both the extended mind and the socially extended mind are not free from the coupling-constitution fallacy, raised by Adams and Aizawa. According to them, Clark draws the conclusion that the object or process constitutes part of the agent’s cognitive appara..

Narayan (2002) Minds of Their Own: Choices, Autonomy, Cultural Practices, and Other Women

Narayan, Uma (2002). "Minds of Their Own: Choices, Autonomy, Cultural Practices, and Other Women," in: A Mind of One's Own. Feminist Essays on Reason and Objectivity. Edited by Louise M. Antony and Charlotte E. Witt. New York and London: Routledge  I believe that two different but con nected "specters of the other woman" often haunt these conversations and require philo sophical exorcism. I call..