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Sung and Cho (2018) Why Are North Korean Women More Likely to Defect than North Korean Men?

Sung, Kieun and Cho, Sunwoong. (2018). Why Are North Korean Women More Likely to Defect than North Korean Men?. Asian Women, 34(3), 97-118. 1. IntroductionThis study shows that gendered defection is an unexpected consequence of North Korean government policies that generate favorable conditions for defection by North Korean females. The interplay between the strict military draft system targetin..

Sung (2010) The psychiatric power of neo-liberal citizenship: the North Korean human rights crisis, North Korean settlers, and incompetent citizens

Sung, M. (2010). The psychiatric power of neo-liberal citizenship: the North Korean human rights crisis, North Korean settlers, and incompetent citizens. Citizenship Studies, 14(2), 127–144. https://doi.org/10.1080/13621021003594783 1. IntroductionThe spectacularly circulated miserable images of starving North Koreans have helped facilitate the claim of liberal human rights, encouraging South Ko..

Song (2013) “Smuggled Refugees”: The Social Construction of North Korean Migration

Song, J. (2013), “Smuggled Refugees”: The Social Construction of North Korean Migration. Int Migr, 51: 158-173. https://doi.org/10.1111/imig.12033 The exact figure of North Koreans in China is unknown. The PRC government estimates 10,000–50,000; the ROK claims30,000–50,000; the US State Department says 75,000–125,000; the Uni ted Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) opts for 50,000–100,..

Kim (2016) Mobile North Korean women and their places in the Sino-North Korea borderland

Kim, S. K. (2016). Mobile North Korean women and their places in the Sino-North Korea borderland. Asian Anthropology, 15(2), 116–131. https://doi.org/10.1080/1683478X.2016.1215540 1. IntroductionNorth Korean mobility tends to be narrowly framed in relation to either brutal state vio lations or severe economic crisis, the so-called “Arduous March” (1995–1998) (Aldrich 2011).1 Within this frame, N..

Choi (2014) North Korean Women’s Narratives of Migration: Challenging Hegemonic Discourses of Trafficking and Geopolitics

Choi, E. (2014). North Korean Women’s Narratives of Migration: Challenging Hegemonic Discourses of Trafficking and Geopolitics. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(2), 271–279. https://doi.org/10.1080/00045608.2013.862129  1. IntroductionAccording to the former director of the U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, between 80 and 90 percen..

Davis (2006) Brides, Bruises and the Border: The Trafficking of North Korean Women into China

Davis, Kathleen (2006). Brides, Bruises and the Border: The Trafficking of North Korean Women into China. The SAIS Review of International Affairs, 26(1), 131–141. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26999303 1. IntroductionOf those North Koreans entering China, it is believed that more than 80–90 percent of the women become trafficking victims [131] 2. North Korea’s Downward Spiral and China’s Upward ..

이선민 (2014) 탈북 여성은 어떻게 말할 수 있는가?: 텔레비전 토크쇼 <이제 만나러 갑니다>(채널 A)에 대한 비판적 분석을 중심으로

이선민. (2014). 탈북 여성은 어떻게 말할 수 있는가?: 텔레비전 토크쇼 (채널 A)에 대한 비판적 분석을 중심으로. 미디어, 젠더 & 문화, 29(2), 75-115.Sun-Min Lee (2014). How Can North Korean Women Defectors Speak? : A critical analysis of television talk show (Channel A). Media, Gender & Culture, 29(2), 75-115. 1. 들어가며 탈북자들은 노인, 장애인, 동성애자, 이주 노동자 등과 같이 우리 사회 주류로부터 배제되고 정상성의 기준에서 벗어나 있는 소수자이자 타자이 다. 이들은 그동안 텔레비전 미디어에서 나오는 일이 흔치 않았는데, 종 합편성채널의 출현은 ..

장영은, 박지훈 (2015) 북한과 탈북자를 재현하는 텔레비전에 대한 수용자의 시선: <이제 만나러 갑니다>에 대한 수용자 해독을 중심으로

장영은, 박지훈. (2015). 북한과 탈북자를 재현하는 텔레비전에 대한 수용자의 시선: 에 대한 수용자 해독을 중심으로. 한국소통학보, 27, 225-254.Jang, Young-Eun and Park, Ji-Hoon. (2015). Audience Reading of North Korea and North Korean Refugees on TV: A Case Study of . Journal of Speech, Media and Communication Research (JSMCR), 27, 225-254. 1. 북한(인)에 대한 부정적인 시선한과 북한인에 대한 한국인의 시선은 이러한 사회적 담론에 기인한 바가 크다. 북한에 대한 한국인의 고정관념은 북한에 대한 적개심이나 우월감 등으 로 복잡하게 얽..

장양규 (2024) 탈북민 수는 왜 늘어나지 않는가? 디지털 권위주의와 생체인식기술 발전

장양규. (2024). 탈북민 수는 왜 늘어나지 않는가? 디지털 권위주의와 생체인식기술 발전. 통일연구, 28(2), 95-134.Jang, Yanggyu. (2024). Why isn't the number of North Korean defectors increasing? : Digital authoritarianism and biometric advances. Korean Unification Studies 28(2), 95-134. 1. 서론중국은 유엔의 난민지위협약(Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees)보다 북한과의 양자합의를 더 우선시했으며, 탈북민을 국제법상 난민이 아닌 불법 월경자로 취급해 강제송환금지원칙(Non-refoulement)을 정면으로..

김재엽, 류원정 (2016) 탈북여성의 아동학대 피해 및 가해에 관한 연구: 배우자 폭력의 가중효과를 중심으로

김재엽, 류원정. (2016). 탈북여성의 아동학대 피해 및 가해에 관한 연구: 배우자 폭력의 가중효과를 중심으로. 한국가족복지학, 52, 375-399.Kim, Jae Yop and Ryu, Wonjung (2016). A Study on Cycle of Child Abuse among North Korean Refugee Women : Focused on Aggravating Effects of Spouse Abuse. Korean Journal of Family Social Work, (52), 375-399. 남한사회에서의 탈북여성은 탈북남성이 겪는 사회활동의 어려움뿐만 아니라 여성에 대한 사회적 차별이나 출산 및 육아 등의 이중 과업을 감당해야 한다(박정란, 강동완 , 2011 ; 39 63)...