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Cohen (2002) Basic Knowledge and the Problem of Easy Knowledge

Cohen (2002) Basic Knowledge and the Problem of Easy Knowledge  1. Basic Knowledge and the KR PrincipleP1 We acquire knowledge of the world through belief sources like sense perception, memory, and induction.P2 Such sources can not deliver knowledge unless we know the source is reliable.P3 But surely our knowledge that sense perception is reliable will be based on knowledge we have about the wor..

On the Tractarian Concept of 'nonsense (Unsinn)'

2024-1 Wittgenstein #2) Nonsense (Unsinn) (OR sometimes translate “Unsinn” as “senseless”) As mentioned above, nonsense can be defined as the result of failing to comply with the rules of logical syntax (3.325). Unlike a proposition with a sense, nonsense cannot depict (abbilden) any reality, nor can it represent (darstellen) the possibility of reality (2.06, 2.17, 2.201). Since “a proposition i..

On the Tractarian Concept of 'senseless (sinnlos)'

2024-1 Wittgenstein #1) Senseless (sinnlos) ‘Senseless,’ or in the original German, ‘sinnlos,’ is one of the three main categories used in the Tractatus to classify propositions (Sätze). The Tractarian concept of ‘sinnlos’ is particularly crucial for understanding the nature of logical propositions (die logischen Sätze). According to Tractarian accounts of language, every proposition belongs to ..