Analytic 60

K. Koslicki (2018) Artifacts, in: Form, Matter, Substance Ch. 8

2024-2 Social OntologyK. Koslicki (2018). “Artifacts”, ch.8 of Form, Matter, Substance  8.1 Introductory Remarks Artifacts have come up several times during the course of this study.① Firstly, we considered artifacts in Chapter 3, in the context of discussing the assignment of forms to their proper ontological category. In this context, I brought up the account developed by Evnine (2016a) who pr..

Gheaus (2013) Care drain: who should provide for the children left behind?

Feminist Ethics 2024-2Anca Gheaus (2013) Care drain: who should provide for the children left behind?, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 16:1, 1-23  IntroductionThe massive migration of people from a country or a region to another country or region can trigger various problems for those who stay behind, especially when migration happens at short notice and in the ..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.17

Brake (2020) Care as Work. The Exploitation of Caring Attitudes and Emotional Labor.

2024-2 Feminist EthicsBrake, Elizabeth (2020) "Care as Work. The Exploitation of Caring Attitudes and Emotional Labor." Caring for Liberalism. Routledge.  Introduction: Care, Value, and WorkCare is a great good. It is also a source of special vulnerabilities [취약성], especially as a form of labor, both paid and unpaid. How can liberalism address these complexities of caring relations, particularly..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.15

Bartky (1990) Feeding Egos and Tending Wounds: Deference and Disaffection in Women's Emotional Labor

2024-2 Feminist EthicsBartky, S. L. (1990) Feeding Egos and Tending Wounds: Deference and Disaffection in Women's Emotional Labor. in: Femininity and Domination, Routledge. (Male) culture was (and is) parasitical, feeding on the emotional strength of women without reciprocity.Shulamith Firestone 1Connell Cowan and Melvyn Kinder: "What a man is attracted to most deeply in a woman, is a magical mi..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.15

Bettcher (2014) Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance

2024-2 Feminist Ethics Bettcher, T. M. (2014). Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Rethinking Trans Oppression and Resistance. Signs, 39(2), 383–406.   1. The psychological variant of the model, the "wrong-body" model, and  the “beyond the binary” model The psychological variant of the modelThe wrong-body model   The “beyond the binary” model.Transsexuality is viewed as a problem of the mind (albeit tr..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.14

Reconciling Bartky’s feminist consciousness and the Marxist notion of contradictions

2024-2 Feminist Ethics Reconciling Bartky’s feminist consciousness and the Marxist notion of contradictions In her article, “Toward a Phenomenology of Feminist Consciousness,” Bartky offers a fascinating picture that combines Marxist analysis―i.e., their theory of contradictions―with feminist consciousness―i.e., an anguished consciousness characterizes human subjectivity in periods of social cha..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.10