전체 글 246

Bhandary (2022) Caring for Whom? Racial Practices of Care and Liberal Constructivism

2024-2 Feminist EthicsBhandary, Asha Leena (2022). Caring for Whom? Racial Practices of Care and Liberal Constructivism. Philosophies 7 (4):78.  1. IntroductionPrior to the advent of care ethics [1–4], mainstream western political philosophy had been written by people from populations who were socially licensed to receive care without providing it. For these people, usually western white males, ..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.10.03

Passinsky (2020) Should Bitcoin Be Classified as Money?

2024-2 Social OntologyPassinsky, Asya (2020). Should Bitcoin Be Classified as Money? Journal of Social Ontology 6 (2):281-292.  1 IntroductionThe launch of bitcoin in 2009 ushered in [도입되다] a new age of ‘virtual currencies’. Today, there are thousands of such currencies in existence. These virtual currencies share some features in common with standard currencies such as the US dollar, the euro, ..

Roberts (2001) Kinship Care and the Price of State Support for Children

2024-2 Feminist EthicsRoberts, Dorothy E. (2001), "Kinship Care and the Price of State Support for Children." Faculty Scholarship at Penn Law. 821 1. IntroductionOne of the key issues raised by caregiving is determining who should be responsible for its financial support. Law and public policy in the United States assume that caregiving is primarily a private matter. Parents, for example, are su..

Analytic/Ethics 2024.09.26